Our Woodsage office is located off W. Overland Rd between S. Linder and S. Stoddard Rd
There are many options for mental health treatment in Meridian South, ID. Sometimes it can seem a bit overwhelming with all of the options there are. However, MAP aims to make this decision simple; we tailor our services to your specific needs. With our specialized assessment and intake process, we can pinpoint exactly where we can best help you. Here's who will be ready to help when you come by our Meridian South office.
Monday: 7:30am 1pm &- 2pm - 6pm
Tuesday: 7:30am 1pm &- 2pm - 6pm
Wednesday: 7:30am 1pm &- 2pm - 6pm
Thursday: 7:30am 1pm &- 2pm - 6pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday/Sunday: Closed
(208) 515-2273
(208) 515-2274
Visit Us At:
1672 S Woodsage Ave.
Meridian, ID 83642