What is Suboxone treatment?

Suboxone® is a brand of a medication that contains both buprenorphine and naloxone. Doctors prescribe it as a medication to treat opioid use disorder. Other names commonly used are the brands Zubsolv, Subutex (buprenorphine without naloxone), typically called "subs" or "bupe," and Sublocade, an injectable version.

Buprenorphine is an opioid partial agonist, which means it triggers the same pleasurable sensations you feel when taking opioids, but to a lesser degree. The pleasurable effects from Suboxone increase with each dose, but they level off at a moderate dose, even if you take more. This is called the "ceiling effect" and is part of what makes buprenorphine such a unique treatment option.

Naloxone is not readily absorbed from Suboxone when taken as prescribed. It is in Suboxone predominantly as a deterrent to misuse, and will be absorbed if injected. Naloxone is a potent opioid antagonist that will cause withdrawal if taken by someone who has recently taken opioids.

Am I a good candidate for Suboxone?

Your specialist at Meridian Advanced Psychiatry (MAP) determines if you're a good candidate for this treatment after your initial consultation. The FDA approves this medication for people who are:

  • Diagnosed with opioid use disorder
  • Willing to follow the safety precautions
  • Not diagnosed with a contraindicated health condition

Suboxone treatment works best when combined with behavioral therapy. The experienced team at MAP offers an outpatient opioid use disorder program that includes medications along with ongoing behavioral therapy.

A man with a beard is sitting in a chair with his hand on his head.

How does Suboxone treatment work?

After your specialist at MAP has determined that you're a good candidate for Suboxone, your treatment plan is initiated. Administration of Suboxone occurs in three phases:

Induction Phase

The induction phase refers to the initiation of your Suboxone, which is conducted under medical guidance after you've gone 12-24 hours without opioids and you're in the early stages of withdrawal.

Stabilization Phase

You enter the stabilization phase after you've discontinued use of the opioid. Your Suboxone is adjusted as needed to help control cravings and withdrawal symptoms and prevent a relapse.

Maintenance Phase

Once you're doing well on a stable dose of Suboxone, subsequently, you enter the maintenance phase. You can continue to take Suboxone indefinitely and your specialist will work with you on a plan that aligns with your treatment goal. Evidence continues to grow showing that patients that spend more time in maintenance, often 1-2 years, do better long term than patients that stop Suboxone sooner.

To learn more about Suboxone and how it can help you, call MAP today or request an appointment online.

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